Kneeling One Arm Triceps Kickback

21 Jun


Kneeling one arm triceps kickback exercises are very effective in stimulating your triceps muscles to grow in length and size. This is a compound exercise that works the triceps, biceps and forearms. The exercise is performed with the goal of working the triceps and biceps and to strengthen and tone muscles.


How to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the door at the top.
  • Bands: Attach each end of the band to a handle.

Body Position:

  • Kneel on the floor with your feet touching the door, facing away from it.
  • Maintain a straight back, a level head, and your buttocks on your heels.
  • Begin with your palms on either side of your head, your upper arm at a 45-degree angle with the floor, and your elbows about 12 inches apart.


  • Straighten your arm until your hand is right beside your hip.

Exercise Tips

  • Maintain a stable elbow at your side. During the movement, do not allow it to move up or down.

Exercise Benefits

One of the best workouts for targeting the back of the arms is Kneeling One-Arm Triceps Extension With Bands. Kneeling down allows you to arrange your body in the best possible alignment while also producing more tension at the start of the reps.

21 Jun


Kneeling Overhead Triceps Extension Exercise is one of the best exercises for the Triceps and are very effective in increasing the size, thickness and overall shape of your triceps. This is a perfect exercise to finish off a triceps workout.


How to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the door at the top.
  • Bands: Attach each end of the band to a handle.

Body Position:

  • Kneel on the floor with your feet touching the door, facing away from it.
  • Maintain a straight back, a level head, and your buttocks on your heels.
  • Begin with your palms on either side of your head, your upper arm at a 45-degree angle with the floor, and your elbows about 12 inches apart.


  • Push your hands out in front of you and straighten your arms.

Exercise Tips

  • Throughout the range of action, keep your upper arms at a 45-degree angle.
  • Maintain a 12-inch distance between your elbows and don’t let them bow out.

Exercise Benefits

One of the best workouts for targeting the back of the arms is Kneeling Triceps Extension With Bands. Kneeling down allows you to arrange your body in the best possible alignment while also producing more tension at the start of the reps.

21 Jun


If you are looking for a great way to work your triceps, The Kneeling Triceps Extension With Resistance Bands is an excellent option. It is a low impact exercise which you can do it in the comfort of your own home, in your garage, in your backyard, in the park, in the park you go to on the weekend, in your yard, in your local gym, etc.


How to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the door at the top.
  • Bands: Attach each end of the band to a handle.

Body Position:

  • Lay on the floor with your back to the door and your head about 2 to 3 feet away.
  • Knees bent and together, feet should be flat on the floor, and elbows close to your side.
  • Begin with your arms bent and palms facing forward, hands straight above your chest.


  • Push your hands down to the top of your thighs and straighten your arms.

Exercise Tips

  • Try to keep your elbows down and stationary at your sides.

Exercise Benefits

One of the best workouts for targeting the back of the arms is Kneeling Triceps Extension With Bands. Kneeling down allows you to arrange your body in the best possible alignment while also producing more tension at the start of the reps.

21 Jun


If you’re looking for a simple and effective exercise to tone and strengthen your triceps, this is it. The one arm forward triceps extension with resistance bands is a fantastic exercise that can be done at home or in the gym. It works your pressing muscles, and most importantly, is super flexible and enjoyable.


How to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the door at chest height.
  • Bands: Attach each end of the band to a handle.

Body Position:

  • Keeping your back to the door, stand about 3 feet away.
  • Stagger your legs, one in front of the other.
  • Start with your active arm parallel to the floor, and for added support, position the top of your inactive hand beneath your active arm.
  • Your active hand should be at eye level.


  • Push the handle forward and straighten your arm.

Exercise Tips

  • Keep your upper arm parallel with the floor throughout the movement.

Exercise Benefits

The One Arm Forward Triceps Extension is a fantastic workout that works not just your Triceps but also other muscle groups and motor functions. It’s necessary to work your arms separately every now and again to enhance muscle isolation, core strength, and limb control.

21 Jun


One arm overhead triceps extension with resistance bands is a great exercise for those who want to build their triceps and improve their overhead pressing technique. This is an excellent exercise that will help you increase strength in your triceps, build muscle, and help you build a powerful shoulder. That’s great news, because not only are your triceps responsible for the motion of your arm, but they are critical muscles for getting your arms to do things like pull things, bend the elbows, and move your hands—like typing on a keyboard or playing a basketball.


How to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Not required.
  • Bands: Attach each end of the band to a handle.

Body Position:

  • Place yourself in the centre of the band.
  • With your active arm, grab the handle and bring it behind your head.
  • Perpendicular to the floor, your upper arm should be.
  • Maintain a straight head, a straight back, and a taut stomach.


  • Raise the handle straight above your head, until your arm is almost totally straight.

Exercise Tips

  • Try to keep your elbow pointed up during the entire range of motion.

Exercise Benefits

If you don’t have a place to anchor your bands, the One Arm Overhead Triceps Extension with Tube Bands is a great way to work the back of your arms. This workout will put a significant amount of strain on your Triceps. To get considerable soreness and results, include it in your favourite routine.

21 Jun


Overhead triceps extension with resistance bands is a compound exercise with a significant positive effect on shoulder strength and strength endurance. If you have been looking for a new routine that is going to build your triceps then this is just for you. Overhead triceps extension with resistance bands is a great exercise especially if you have been doing cable triceps extensions without any resistance.


How to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the door at the top.
  • Bands: Attach each end of the band to a handle.

Body Position:

  • Place yourself in front of the door.
  • Stagger your stance with your back foot 1 to 2 feet from the door.
  • Maintain a straight back, a straight chest, and a straight head.
  • Your elbows should be 12 inches apart and your hands should be at the back of your head.


  • Push your hands down and forward until your arms are straight and your hands are at eye level.

Exercise Tips

  • Maintain a 12-inch distance between your elbows and do not allow them to move up or down.

Exercise Benefits

Overhead Triceps Extensions With Tube Bands is a great workout for exercising the back of the arms, and equivalent to a cable machine exercise at the gym. In this workout, the angle of your body is optimal since your bodyweight can offset a greater amount of resistance.

21 Jun


The standing one arm triceps kickback with resistance bands is one of the most popular exercises in the muscle building world. It is one of the few exercises that works all three triceps muscle heads, the long head being the most targeted. It is a total body exercise that works the shoulders, core, biceps, and triceps.


How to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the door at the top.
  • Bands: Attach each end of the band to a handle.

Body Position:

  • Bend forward at the waist until your back is nearly parallel to the ground.
  • Your active arm should be parallel to the floor, elbow snug to your side, and hand directly below your chest.
  • Place passive hand on your knee.


  • Push your hand back until it is by your hip, and your arm is straight.

Exercise Tips

  • Keep your upper arm parallel to the floor and your elbow close to your body.

Exercise Benefits

Standing One Arm Triceps Kickbacks will allow you to get a great pump in each arm individually. It’s critical to work your arms and legs separately in order to build muscle isolation, core strength, and limb control.

21 Jun


When you do your regular biceps curl, you pull your hand upwards through your biceps, but the muscles themselves don’t get any benefits. To make your biceps grow, you need to get them bigger. This is where the lying bicep curl comes in.



Standing One Legged Calf Raise with Resistance Bands is a great exercise to improve your strength and flexibility. It works your lower body and helps you to gain strength and power. This exercise is one of the best ways to develop the lower portion of your lower body without the tedious nature of adjusting your body weight and pinning yourself down. The idea is simple: stand up, plant one leg out in front of you, hold a resistance band around that leg and raise your other leg off the ground. By varying the resistance of the band, you can vary how hard your muscles are working, allowing you to progress at your own pace.


How to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the top of the door.
  • Bands: Attach each end of the band to a handle.

Body Position:

  • Lay on the floor with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and toes touching the door, holding a handle with each hand.
  • Palms facing up, your arms should be straight and aimed towards the door anchor.


  • Bend your arms until the handles are in front of your face.

Exercise Tips

  • Throughout the action, keep your upper arms pointed towards the door anchor.
  • Complete each repetition by fully bending and straightening your arm.

Exercise Benefits

The Lying Biceps Curl From A Top Anchor Point will give your biceps a burn like no other! Since your body is stabilised, you’ll be able to isolate your biceps, and the beginning of your reps will be more difficult because the bands start off stretched, producing more resistance.

21 Jun


The Lying Hammer Curl Exercise is an increasingly popular exercise which works your triceps, biceps, and deltoids. It is a way to strengthen your biceps without actually lifting weights.


How to perform Lying Hammer Curl With Resistance Bands Exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the bottom of the door.
  • Bands: Attach each end of the band to a handle.

Body Position:

  • N/A


  • Pull the handles and bend your arms until the handles are by your chest.

Exercise Tips

  • Keep your upper arms firmly set on the floor during the entire movement.

Lying Hammer Curl With Resistance Bands Benefits

Lying Hammer Curls-  One of the best exercises for biceps development.  Many individuals favour Lying Curls because they keep your body stable, allowing you to isolate your biceps. This exercise is especially beneficial to persons with back problems because it does not cause spinal compression.

21 Jun


The Lying Hammer Curl With Resistance Bands is a great exercise for your biceps. It works your biceps, forearms, shoulders, chest, back, and abs, and it allows you to work your biceps at any time. Most importantly, it’s a great move for people who are having trouble getting their biceps bigger.


How to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the top of the door.
  • Bands: Attach each end of the band to a handle.

Body Position:

  • Lay on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, toes touching the door.
  • Straighten your arms and aim them in the direction of the door anchor, palms facing in.


  • Bend your arms until the handles are by your face.

Exercise Tips

  • Keep your upper arm parallel with the floor throughout the movement.

Exercise Benefits

One of the best ways to work your Biceps Muscles is to do lying Hammer Curls with a top anchor point. The lying down position allows you to concentrate and isolate your Bis by stabilising the rest of your body. The higher the anchor point, the longer the band is stretched, resulting in more resistance at the start of your reps.

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