Internal Side Rotation With Resistance Band

22 Jun


One of the most effective ways to strengthen your core is to perform internal side rotation with a resistance band. It may not look like much of a workout, but it is a great way to stimulate a whole lot of muscles in your body. It is also a fantastic way to build up your core in a safe and effective manner.


Type – Isolation, Unilateral

Joint action – Internal rotation

How to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the door at elbow height.
  • Bands: Attach each end of the band to a handle.

Body Position:

  • Place your active arm closest to the entrance, 3 to 4 feet away.
  • Maintain a straight head, a sturdy chest, and a firm stomach.
  • Make sure your active upper arm is perpendicular to the ground, band in working hand bent at 90degrees at the elbow, humerus touching the body
  • From a completely externally rotated position start internally rotating the humerus keeping it attached to the side.
  • From complete internal rotation return bands in same manner to original point.


  • Rotate your arm in until your hand reaches your chest.
  • Return to your original position.
  • Repeat.

Exercise Tips

  • Throughout the exercise, keep your active arm’s elbow tight to your side and avoid letting it flare out.

Exercise Benefits

The rotator cuff muscles serve like a cuff around the shoulder joint, supporting it in various planes and allowing it to rotate internally and externally, hence the name. Because these muscles are somewhat avascular, they benefit from greater repetition ranges (15 to 20 rep max) and strict form.

If you have shoulder problems and go to a Physical Therapy facility, you will almost certainly be asked to undertake the Internal Side Rotation With Resistance Bands Exercise. Why? It’s easy, and it works! This exercise strengthens the Rotator Cuff Muscles, which are often the origin of shoulder pain and issues.

22 Jun


The Lying Front Shoulder Raise (LFRS) is an exercise that targets the lower part of the deltoid muscle. It is a good exercise for those looking to target muscle groups in the shoulders and upper body. It is very important for people who do sports, like running, or for people who play sports like golf or cricket.


Type – Isolation, Unilateral

Joint action – Shoulder flexion

How to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the bottom of the door.
  • Bands: Attach each end of the band to a handle.

Body Position:

  • Lay on your back facing the door, 3 to 4 feet away.
  • Grip a handle in each hand, palms facing down pronated grip, can use ankle strap and use neutral grip to reduce undue stress on the elbow.
  • Feet should be flat on the floor, knees up, legs apart, and arms straight in between your legs, palms down.


  • Raise your arms away from the door until they are exactly above your shoulder height.
  • Return to your original position, by lowering band slowly.
  • Repeat.

Exercise Tips

  • Keep your hands close together and arms straight as you raise your arms.

Exercise Benefits

If you want to work your Anterior Deltoid (Front Shoulder) without compressing your spine, the Lying Front Shoulder Raise With Resistance Tube Bands is the workout for you. This is especially good for people who have back problems. You can isolate your Front Shoulder and avoid spinal compression by using the floor to stabilise your body.

22 Jun


For those of you that are just coming to the world of resistance band exercises, you may not know about the Lying Lateral Raise with Resistance Bands. It is a fantastic exercise for building overall muscle strength. It is also a great exercise for building balance, core strength, and overall muscle strength. It is a compound exercise that works the biceps, triceps, and shoulders to build muscle.


Type – Isolation, Isolateral

Joint action – Shoulder abduction

How to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the bottom of the door.
  • Bands: Place your hands within the ankle straps and attach each end of the band(s) to an ankle strap.

Body Position:

  • Lie on your back 3 to 4 feet away from the door, facing it.
  • Maintain a flat floor, knees high, and arms straight at your sides, palms facing in.


  • Pull your arms away from your sides and away from the door until your elbows and shoulders are equal.

Exercise Tips

  • Rotate your upper arm bone forward such that your elbows lead the movement as you pull your arms away from your sides.

Exercise Benefits

If you have back problems but still want to work your Lateral Deltoids (side shoulders), the Laying Lateral Raise With Resistance Tube Bands is the way to go!  You can isolate your Lateral Shoulder and avoid Spinal Compression by using the floor to steady your body.

22 Jun


Standing Shoulder Press With Resistance Bands Exercise will help you get your shoulders healthy and strong. If you’re looking to build muscle, train your shoulders, or improve your strength, this should be your go-to exercise. This exercise is just as effective, just as safe for muscle gain. If you follow the correct technique, this exercise has you covered. The key is to hold your torso upright, which focuses on your delts, upper back, traps, and pecs.


Type : Compound (unsupported), Isolateral

Joint action : Shoulder Abduction (with humerus externally rotated), elbow extension.

How to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Not required.
  • Bands: Attach each end of the band to a handle.

Body Position:

  • Stagger your feet, one foot in front of the other.
  • With your front foot, now stand on the band.
  • Stand up straight and grasp a handle in each hand.
  • Bring your arms up to goal post position with the bands in front of them and palms facing forward.
  • Maintain a straight back, a level head, and a firm chest.


  • Press your hands over your head and together until your arms are almost fully straight.

Exercise Tips

  • Grip the handles lightly as you press your hands up.

Exercise Benefits

Standing Shoulder Presses with Resistance Bands are a terrific and, in some ways, superior than Dumbbell Shoulder Presses. As bands don’t create momentum, your reps with them won’t put any strain on your spine or joints. Fast reps can also be used to safely train for speed. Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers, which are the ones that grow, are stimulated by these types of reps.

22 Jun


The Reverse Fly With Resistance Bands is a great exercise to build strength in the chest, shoulders, triceps, and back. It is not only effective for strengthening your back muscles, but it’s also suitable for improving your overall flexibility. It’s a great exercise for working out your shoulders and back muscles.


Type : Isolation, Isolateral

Joint Action : Transverse Extension

How to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: required.
  • Bands: Attach each end of the band to a handle.

Body Position:

  • Grasp a handle in each hand and stand 3 to 4 feet away from the door with your back to it.
  • Maintain a straight chest, a straight head, and slightly bent legs.
  • With elbows at shoulder height and palms facing in, your arms should be straight and pointed towards the anchor.


  • Pull the handles back and around, shifting your arms from in front of your body to the side.

Exercise Tips

  • As you pull back, maintain a slight bend in your elbow.

Exercise Benefits

The Posterior Deltoids are targeted and worked by the Reverse Fly With Resistance Bands (Rear Shoulder Muscles). This exercise duplicates the Rear Shoulder’s function and pits it against Linear Progressive Resistance. As a result, you’ll have the perfect amount of resistance at the perfect time during your reps.

21 Jun


The seated high row with resistance bands is a great exercise for strengthening the lower back, and also improves posture. This exercise is good for people with lower back pain, and can help relieve back pain. It is recommended for people who need to strengthen their lower back and core to prevent injury in these areas. It is also a great exercise for people who sit in front of a computer for hours and need to strengthen their lower back and core. It can be performed both in a seated and standing position.


How to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Not required.
  • Bands: Attach each end of the band to a handle.

Body Position:

  • Grasp a handle in each hand and sit 3 to 4 feet away from the door with your back to it.
  • Sit with your back straight, chest upright, and head straight on the floor.
  • Place your palms down and your arms straight out in front of you (parallel to the floor).


  • Pull your elbows in line with your shoulders by pulling straight back. Return to your original position. Repeat.

Exercise Tips

  • Hold the handle lightly and maintain your upper arms and forearms parallel to the floor as you pull.
  • Make sure your upper and lower arms are at a 90-degree angle at the end of the rep (movement).

Exercise Benefits

The Seated High Row With Resistance Bands is an excellent workout for isolating and strengthening the posterior deltoids (Rear Shoulder Muscles). Many people prefer this exercise to Standing High Rows because the body is stabilised in a seated position, preventing the utilisation of other muscles to aid in the activity.

21 Jun


Standing Front Shoulder Raise with Resistance Bands is a great exercise to help build your shoulder and upper back muscles and strengthen your arms and core. This exercise can be done by people of any age and is good for those who want to strengthen their upper body and core. It is also a great exercise for those who want to lift weights and those who want to build stronger shoulders and arms. This exercise works the front deltoid muscle and upper trapezius muscles, helping to alleviate shoulder pain and reduce shoulder, neck and upper back pain.


Type : Isolation, Unilateral

Joint Action : Shoulder Flexion

How to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Not required.
  • Bands: Attach each end of the band to a handle.

Body Position:

  • Stand hip-width apart on the band.
  • Stand up straight with your back straight, head straight, chest up, and stomach tight, holding a handle in each hand.
  • Straighten your arms and place them on top of your thighs, palms facing your thighs.


  • Raise your arms up, until your hands are at eye level.

Exercise Tips

  • Keep your hands 6 inches apart as you raise your arms.

Exercise Benefits

You must practise the Standing Front Shoulder Raise With Resistance Bands if you want to work your Anterior Deltoid (Front Shoulders) to the maximum without pressing overhead. Linear Progressive Resistance is a safe and effective way to strengthen your shoulder muscles.

21 Jun


Lateral raises are a great exercise for the Trapezius muscle group and a fantastic way to get a full body workout. The exercise is easy to perform and can be done anywhere. It is a good idea to do them every day to make your muscles get stronger and to get you started on a healthy lifestyle. The secret to performing well with resistance band exercises is to start with a light weight and gradually increase the weight as you move towards the heavy weight.


Type – Isolation, Isolateral

Joint Action – Shoulder Abduction

How to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Not required.
  • Bands: Attach each end of the band to a handle.

Body Position:

  • Place your feet hip-width apart on the band.
  • Stand up straight, head straight, chest up, and stomach tight.
  • Begin with your arms at your sides, slightly bent and palms facing in.


  • Raise your arms to shoulder height by extending them out to the sides.
  • Return to your original position.
  • Repeat.

Exercise Tips

  • Rotate your upper arm bone forward so that your elbows are higher than your hands as you raise your arms out to the side.

Exercise Benefits

The Standing Front Shoulder Raise With Resistance Bands is a great way to work your Middle Deltoid without having to perform any overhead pressing. Linear Progressive Resistance is an effective and safe way to strengthen your shoulder muscles.

21 Jun


As a traditional exercise for the triceps, the cross body extension is a great way to strengthen and sculpt the muscles. This Exercise is known to be one of the most effective exercises for increasing triceps muscle strength, indirectly increasing your muscle mass, and decreasing your risk of shoulder injuries.


How to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the door at the top.
  • Bands: Attach each end of the band to a handle.

Body Position:

  • Keeping your inactive side towards the door, stand around 3 feet away from it.
  • Begin by placing your active arm’s hand against the opposite chest, palm facing in.
  • With your feet wider than your hips apart and your idle hand on your hip, establish a sturdy foundation.


  • Pull your hand down and across your body until your arm is straight, while keeping your upper arm perpendicular to the floor..

Exercise Tips

  • As you straighten your arm, keep it perpendicular to the floor and snug to your body.

Exercise Benefits

Cross Body Triceps Extensions are an excellent way to train your Triceps to their full potential. With each rep, you can really feel the muscle contraction, and the pump is amazing.

21 Jun


If you want to gain more muscle mass or you’re just looking to improve your overall strength, the forward triceps extension exercise is one to consider. This exercise utilizes a resistance band to help target the triceps. The exercise involves pulling your arms behind your back while extending your elbows. It is an excellent exercise which also works other muscles in the arm.


How to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the door at the shoulder height.
  • Bands: Attach each end of the band to a handle.

Body Position:

  • Grasp the handles, a hand each, and stand about 3 feet away from the door with your back to it.
  • Stagger your legs, one in front of the other.
  • Start with your upper arms parallel to the floor, palms facing front, and hands close to your head at eye level.


  • Push the handles forward and straighten your arms.

Exercise Tips

  • Keep your upper arms parallel with the floor throughout the movement.

Exercise Benefits

Forward Triceps Extensions is a superb exercise to offer diversity and results to your workouts. As too much resistance will draw you back towards the door, this one works best with less resistance. For bands, high reps and low resistance work very well.

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